Hello Friends!

I wanted to take a few moments to share with you some events that have been taking place! Encouraging news!

  • CJ’s Diner has filed a lawsuit against San Juan Basin Health, the Governor and the Colorado Public Health Department – Read it HERE!
  • The Town of Monument, CO PASSED Resolution 08-2021 – stating that “The Board of Trustees call upon each business to be responsible in evaluating their own establishment and their capacity to safely accept patrons” and “The Board of Trustees understands that, notwithstanding their unconstitutional nature, State authorities will attempt to pressure businesses to comply and may threaten their livelihoods. The Town of Monument does not have the ability to preclude State enforcement actions. The Board therefore calls on each business and individual to determine for themselves the level to which they desire to comply, in their best interests, with the Governor’s unconstitutional orders”. THIS IS HUGE! Action item coming soon regarding this!! Resolution is attached for your viewing pleasure.
  • David Martin is blowing the roof off of the vaccine hoax. I encourage you all to watch this 30-minute video. Education is key and gives more grounds to indict! View it HERE!
  • Looking for Business friends who would be interested in attending a seminar led by Peggy Hall. This would include all necessary paperwork, information and encouragement. This would be a Zoom meeting for 90 minutes. Registration is $1,495 and up to 10 participants ($149.50 per person). We do have funds in our donation account that we can also chip in with. Just an idea if anyone would be interested. Let me know!

Remember, this Thursday, January 14, 2021 we will be rallying for freedom!

Freedom Rally – Durango

DATE: Thursday, January 14, 2021

TIME: Noon

LOCATION: 33 Cedar Ridge Way, Durango

PARKING: Park at Fort Lewis College – Soccer Field/Eastlawn

NOTES: PEACEFUL! Bring signs and your fellow Patriots. We will stay ON THE sidewalk. We will NOT impede traffic. We will have a few speakers sharing great knowledge!

Keep up the great work fighting for our FREEDOMS! More and more are standing up to this tyranny. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both
― James Madison

With Gratitude,





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