The Healthy & Wise –
Have you been out minding your own business when you spy someone staring at you? Do you subconsciously check your teeth or look behind you to see if someone is standing there? Do you quickly realize they are staring because they can see your smile?! Today a lady stared at me like I was on fire. I turned, looked behind me, then I looked at her and smiled. I asked her how her day was – you could tell the tension eased as she said her day was going well. We ended up having a conversation while we stood in line and spoke about the mask. Turns out, she doesn’t like wearing them either!
In a time of great division and tension, we need to remember to be kind. We have no idea what others may be going through or how they cope with their fears. A smile and a hug will go a long way! Do not be afraid to have those simple interactions. Do not be afraid to help educate as education helps eliminate that covid fear.
I would love to hear some of your stories of how you deal in certain situations, how they react and where you were.
The Covid Shot and How to Refuse It
Part of my job is to interact with the public and not a day goes by that I am not asked if I had gotten my vaccine yet so I could get back to normal.
A vaccine to bring back normal?
The normal of wearing a mask, living in fear and letting the government dictate what I can or cannot do?
I think I’ll pass.
As my heart aches for these individuals, I smile and simply reply I am passing on getting the shot.
Fear is one heck of a drug.
Below is some helpful information and the documents are attached to this email.
Family Financial Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections: This is a great resource that will help protect you from vaccine injury. It also includes links to important vaccine information.
Vaccine Exemption Form (Religious Reasons): A lot of us are dealing with the threats of a forced covid shot. Here is a form that you can complete and file.
Vaccination Notice of Liability: This is a liability acceptance form between the vaccine provider and the vaccinated party.
Notice – Refusal of Vaccine For Cause: Yes, you can refuse this shot!
Dr. Judy Mikovitz speaks to Dr. Mercola –
Check out these websites for more information regarding the vaccines.
Business Friends!
Let’s continue taking a stand against government tyranny and make a statement! Please keep the emails coming as we need YOUR Business to be added to a Discrimination Free Business List.
We want to SUPPORT you!
We want to give you money!
We want to enjoy your goods!
You have probably been told that if you do not adhere to the policy of making your employees and customers wear masks, that you will lose your business license.
You ARE NOT at risk for losing your business license. There is no law that requires you to follow these “requirements”.
Guidelines are just that, guidelines, and they are not enforceable by law.
Laws are the only thing that are enforceable. What laws are you breaking by not forcing medical interventions on your employees and customers? What laws are you breaking for not enforcing social distancing?
Things that are not laws: guidelines, rules, directions, measures, orders and policies. Since they are not laws, you do not have to follow them. This applies to executive orders as well. Executive orders apply to members of the government, NOT to private businesses like yours!
Let’s stay Pagosa Strong and support each other!
Mark Your Calendars
YOU have been making a difference by calling in and by continuing to contact our Town and County officials. They are listening and things are starting to change! Even though the progress may not be fast, do not be discouraged and keep on the path!
Archuleta County Commissioner Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, April 6, 2021
TIME: 1pm
LOCATION: Join Zoom Meeting at pwd=dlFFV0J1cGVKa1NHWHFsa2taeGxtZz09 – Meeting ID 916 0904 8375 – Passcode 4141885
AGENDA: To be listed
Town of Pagosa Springs Council Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, April 6, 2021
TIME: 5pm
Join Zoom Meeting By Computer –
Dial by Phone – 1-669-900-6833 US – Meeting ID: 966 8335 7513 |
AGENDA: To be listed
Regular Healthy & Wise Meeting
DATE: Sunday, March 28, 2021
TIME: 1pm
LOCATION: Best Western
Remember – No meeting April 4th!
Stay well my friends! Remember, we are in this together and together we will prevail.
With Gratitude,
Find me on Telegram!
Username: BCole25
*Each donation received helps to provide the tools and research we all need to succeed and to help those in need. Grateful for each and every one of you!*
Bethany Cole
PO Box 5976
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
**This group, Healthy & Wise, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**
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