Are you just as FED UP as I am when you hear things like “my employer is forcing employees to take the shot” or “my employer is segregating vaxx’d vs. non-vaxx’d”??
It is absolutely egregious what these employers think they can get away with.
The time IS NOW to fight back!
There are numerous remedies and remember, the law is ON YOUR SIDE!
No business policy can contradict established laws.
No employment can be based on whether you are vaxx’d or not.
No, employers DO NOT have the right to ask you about your personal medical decisions.
There are laws in place to protect you from overreach such as this.
You now have to wear pins, masks and other paraphernalia to let people know that you have not taken the poisonous shot??? What does that remind you of? Are we really going back to that? Are we really accepting this?
The EEOC confirms and reaffirms the fact that employers MUST provide reasonable accommodations for those who do not want to be vaccinated. PERIOD. This does not include employee shaming!
The EEOC upholds Federal non-discrimination laws and they are on your side. They have sued many companies that have discriminated against employees.
You have the Right to Refuse any experimental therapy/vaccine. Read and use this form Right to Refuse
You STILL have religious and medical exemptions.
You are protected by these laws:
U.S. Constitution, 4th Amendment, Right to Privacy
U.S. Title 52, Civil Rights Act of 1964
Colorado Constitution, Article 2, Section 3
Colorado Constitution, Article 2, Section 4
Colorado Civil Code 24-36-601 1
Colorado Penal Code 18-3-303 – False Imprisonment
Title 18 USC Section 242 – Deprivation of Rights
28 U.S. Code §509B – Section to Enforce Human Rights Laws
18 U.S. Code §2441 – War Crimes
18 U.S. Code §1091 – Genocide
21 U.S. Code §360bbb-3 – Authorization for Medical Products for Use in Emergencies
18 U.S. Code §1589 – Forced Labor
18 U.S. Code §1590 – Trafficking with Respect to Peonage, Slavery, Involuntary Servitude, or Forced Labor
18 U.S. Code §1593A – Benefitting Financially From Peonage, Slavery and Trafficking in Persons
***Check out ICAN – Informed Consent Action Network – They are helping employees fight back against employers who are requiring a covid shot as a condition of employment. TAKE ACTION! ICAN
Let’s fight this together!
- The Town of Pagosa Springs has TAKEN DOWN the portable sign that was located on Hot Springs Blvd – advertising for minors to get the shot. Thank you to those who have reached out and voiced your concerns! This is how POSITIVE changes are accomplished!
2. Florida Judge Rules Mask Mandate Unconstitutional – This is HUGE! This set precedence for the United States! FL Judge Rules Mask Mandate Unconstitutional
3. Let’s keep an eye on the lawsuits that were filed against seven airlines for discrimination – Lawsuits Filed Against Airlines
4. Archuleta County Commissioners have 9 applicants so far for the Health Committee. If you are interested have not completed the application, please do so now!
Please mark your calendars for the following dates:
The Healthy & Wise Regular Meeting
DATE: Monday, June 21, 2021
TIME: 6pm
LOCATION: Pagosa Lodge
Koli’s Court Hearing – Criminal Trespass for not wearing a mask at the UPS Store
DATE: Tuesday, June 22, 2021
TIME: 9am
LOCATION: Town Hall – Upstairs Courtroom
Jimmy Jones Court Hearing – Arrested multiple times and refused access to his own court hearing for not wearing a mask
DATE: Wednesday, June 23, 2021
TIME: 9am
LOCATION: La Plata County Courthouse
San Juan Basin Health Board Meeting
DATE: Thursday, June 24, 2021
TIME: 9am
Check out the Outdoor Concert Series hosted by the New Thought Center!
Take special notice to July 2, 2021 – The Healthy & Wise will be there! Please come and show your love and support! Thank you to the New Thought Center for hosting these concerts to support local non-profits!
Thank you for your continued support!
Live Free, Breath Free
Bethany Cole
Cards, letter, donations are all warmly accepted here:
PO Box 5976
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
*Each donation received helps to provide the tools and research we all need to succeed and to help those in need. Grateful for each and every one of you!*
**This group, Healthy & Wise, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**
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