Be the change you want to see in the World – Gandhi (unconfirmed)
If there is a change you want to see, then action must be taken.
Positive changes will not happen if we stay stagnant.
Changes are happening and have been happening.
It is easy to succumb to the negative headlines that we see and I know it gets everyone down.
We understand the severity of the situation at hand and I am proud of those standing strong!
I encourage everyone to come to the meetings as we discuss more in depth the action items we are taking.
Let’s continue making POSITIVE waves here in our Town and have it spread like wildfire!
Keep sharing the information you have learned with others!
Stay diligent! We are in this together!
Friday night!
If you want to get out and do something relaxing, Bo DePena will be playing at Fox Fire Farms tomorrow evening. Music starts at 6pm. Feel free to bring your chairs, blankets, snacks and enjoy a relaxing time with good people and great music!
More information can be found HERE
The next Healthy & Wise meeting will be Monday, June 28, 2021 at 6pm. Still located at the Pagosa Lodge. Please bring what you have been working on to share with the group. We will also be updating on Koli and Jimmy’s court dates that happened this week. Thank you to those who went and showed your support!
I sincerely appreciate the donations that are received for the room charge! CK has been graciously letting us use the room there at the Pagosa Lodge but it does cost The Healthy & Wise $60 each meeting. Thank you to all those who have donated!
Pagosa Springs Town Council Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, July 6, 2021
TIME: 5pm
AGENDA: Not yet posted
Archuleta County Commissioner Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, July 6, 2021
LOCATION: County Building on Lewis Street
TIME: 1pm
AGENDA: Not yet listed
Good News!
I am sure you all have seen the news that there are 2 Counties in NV that have gone CONSTITUTIONAL! This is amazing news and now Utah is stepping up their game as well.
We have an urgency to fill the Sheriff’s seat here with a Constitutional candidate. Someone who will not question or forget their oath of office and will never succumb to this type of tyranny. We need everyone involved so please start networking!
Interesting read:
I look forward to seeing you all Monday evening! We have lots to discuss!
With Gratitude,
The Healthy & Wise
Healthy & Wise is a grass-roots movement that supports, educates and most importantly EMPOWERS you to take action with the knowledge and resources discussed within this group. We do not give out legal advice, nor are we a political party. We focus on understanding our God-given Rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!
Cards, letter, donations are all warmly accepted here:
PO Box 5976
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
*Each donation received helps to provide the tools and research we all need to succeed and to help those in need. Grateful for each and every one of you!*
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