Are we really still questioning the legality of the government shutting businesses down?
Are we really still asking if they can mandate the shot?
It has been over a year and I hope by now, you all have the knowledge and education to know that none of this is lawful!
The power rests in you Friends, to say NO.
To NOT comply with tyranny.
To STAND up and FIGHT.
As American’s, YOU have the RIGHT not to wear a mask and the RIGHT NOT to get a shot.
It is STILL illegal for a private business to refuse your entry.
You are protected by State and Federal Laws.
You have the RIGHT to fully participate in every aspect of society without being discriminated against because of your medical status or religious beliefs.
We need to STOP asking for the laws that protect you and,
Start DEMANDING that they SHOW you the law that gives them this authority over you! (There isn’t one!)
We need everyone on board to attend the Archuleta School Board meeting on AUGUST 10, 2021 at 6PM! The meetings are held at the Middle School.
Dr. Kym LeBlanc Esparza – Superintendent for Archuleta School District
970-264-2228 x 5402 or 303-961-7416
Kym has sent out her guidelines for this upcoming school year.
We will NOT be masking our children, not in school and not on busses.
What is her legal authority?
They have NO authority to “quarantine” you.
No more “policies” that have harmed our kids and will continue hurting them!
Dr. Kym has stated that they will be following the “guidance” of San Juan Basin Health and the Colorado Department of Health which states UNvaxx’d kids will have to mask indoors.
The kids will be FORCED to wear a mask while riding the buses.
She states they will not be asking for PROOF of vaxx status…
This decision is NOT based on science.
This is about compliance.
This is child abuse.
Guidelines are NOT enforceable by law. There is NO legal statute that enforces these guidelines.
Each district and school have the authority to implement the guidelines according to their own needs “With this in mind, the state has let all statewide school-based health orders and mandates expire and instead has adopted a guidance model designed to empower local public health and local leaders to protect their communities using the mitigation strategies most appropriate to local conditions.”
“Guidance strongly RECOMMENDS…”
There are countless documented physical, mental and emotional harms associated with wearing masks.
The school is more likely to be SUED because of the health harms of wearing a mask by both the teachers and the students including: (a) reduction in oxygen (must have 19.5% oxygen in the atmosphere according to OSHA regulations; masking can result in 18.5% or below, putting the wearer at “Immediate Danger to Life and Health”, with “irreversible adverse effects” — according to OSHA regulations; (b) students or teacher passing out due to carbon dioxide toxicity. and possibly falling, hitting their head and dying.
The school is a risk for being sued for discrimination.
If a parent would like their child to wear a mask, that is a personal choice. There are no legal grounds for a parent to require that the entire school or student population be required to wear a mask in any setting including busses.
Requiring teachers, administrators or students to wear masks is a violation of OSHA regulations regarding a safe and healthy workplace, because of the documented health harms associated with wearing a mask outside of health care settings.
Discrimination based on medical status is ILLEGAL!
NO ONE can mandate medicine!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with these Boards thinking they have any control over your kids!
Dr. Kym has zero authority to ask you to vaxx your kids, to make them wear masks (in any setting). She is promoting medical discrimination and bullying.
They will be personally held liable.
It is CRUCIAL that we ALL show up to the Board meeting, Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 6pm (middle school)! Invite your friends, neighbors, school kids, parents and anyone else who is concerned!
We need EVERYONE on board!
They are violating (Just to name a few):
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 – Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
Colorado Penal Code 18-9-11: Harassment. An assault is an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another, even if no one is physically hurt by the behavior.
Colorado Revised Statutes 12-36-129: Practicing Medicine without a License
U.S. Constitution, 1st Amendment, Right to Assemble, Right to Freedom of Speech, Right to Religious Expression
U.S. Constitution, 4th Amendment, Right to Privacy
Colorado Constitution, Article 2, Section 3
Colorado Constitution, Article 2, Section 4
Colorado Constitution, Article 2, Section 10
Colorado Revised Statutes 18-3-504: Human Trafficking
Picnic in the Park!
Join us August 15, 2021 at 2PM in Town Park for an afternoon of fun, fellowship and food! All are welcome!
The Buck Stops Here will be providing burgers for a donation!
Bring your chairs, blankets, picnic items and food if you would like to share!
Invite your friends, family, kids and let’s have a good time!
Upcoming Meetings
The Healthy & Wise
DATE: August 9, 2021
LOCATION: Restoration Church (Upstairs)
Archuleta School Board
DATE: August 10, 2021
LOCATION: Middle School
Archuleta County Commissioners
DATE: August 17, 2021
TIME: 1:30PM
LOCATION: County Building or Zoom
Pagosa Springs Town Council
DATE: August 19, 2021
LOCATION: Town Hall (Upstairs)
San Juan Basin Health Board Meeting
DATE: August 26, 2021
How to say NO to the Needle
Check out the FREE download from Peggy Hall at
I am Grateful for your support!
With Gratitude,
**This group, Healthy & Wise, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**
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