
This needs to be shared far and wide!

We need to spread the word!

Hold all of these people accountable for the harm they have perpetrated on us and most importantly our kids!

They have lied since day one.

They owe us answers!




On Wednesday, August 11, 2021 I asked Brian Devine with San Juan Basin Health, if they have taken a sample from a deceased/diseased “covid” patient and isolated the virus.

Brian stated YES.


With that information, I sent FOIA requests to:

1: Colorado Department of Public Health

2: La Plata County – Claiming 45 ‘covid’ deaths


This is what I requested (attached below):

Any and all records describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus, directly from a sample taken from a diseased patient, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka vero cells; liver cancer cells).

Please note that I am using “isolation” in the every-day sense of the word: the act of separating a thing(s)  from everything else.

I am not requesting records where “isolation of SARS-COV-2” refers instead to:

  * the culturing of something, or

  * the performing of an amplification test (i.e. a PCR test), or

  * the sequencing of something

 To clarify, I am requesting all such records that are in the possession, custody or control of the State of Colorado (for example: downloaded to a computer, printed in hard copy etc.

I request a waiver of all fees for searching or copying these records in that the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest and will contribute significantly to the public’s understanding of the isolation of SARS-Cov-2. If there are fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me if the cost will exceed $100.


These are the responses I received back:


Ms. Cole:

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has no responsive records to your request.

Thank you,

CDPHE Records Unit

4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246  |



Dear Bethany Cole,

Thank you for your recent public records request submitted on 8/12/2021.  Please note that La Plata County is unable to fulfill your request for the following reason(s): The county has no records of isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus, directly taken from a deceased patient.

Thank you,

La Plata County Administration


CDPHE Open Records Request – FOIA

CDPHE Open Records Response

La Plata County Open Records Response


With Gratitude,


**This group, Healthy & Wise, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**




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