Hello my fellow Healthy & Wise Friends!

Thank you for all of your support and continuing to take action!

Every day it seems like there is something else that comes up, but together, we can tackle anything!

Thank you for being my positive light and encouragement as we continue down this path.


Covid shot approved?


Yesterday two documents came out regarding FDA approval for this vaccine.

Yes, I know, it is not a “vaccine” at all.

You will see HERE where it states that the FDA approved the Pfizer poison based on a Priority Review application. It also states that the clinical trial was extended.


On the same day, this was released – FDA – 082321 – EUA – this letter states on page 12 “This product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA…”

No matter the situation, the FDA does not make law. They cannot mandate medicine.

Exemptions are still in play guys. They have NEVER gone away.

Discrimination based on medical status is illegal.

No one can mandate medicine.

I encourage you not to just simply quit because your employer is threatening and coercing you to receive a shot against your will.

Use the Medical or Religious Exemptions available!

Medical Exemption: Must have a bonafide medical condition – signed off by your physician – the burden of proof is on you.

Religious Exemption: The burden of proof rests on the employer. They are also required to offer accommodations.

The EEOC States Religious Beliefs Must be Accommodated
EEOC – Religious Beliefs

This includes testing and masking.

There is no evidence that you are a Direct Threat.

You are protected by the U.S. Constitution and your State Constitution.

You are protected by Anti-Retaliation Laws.


The law is clear that any segregation, separate treatment, wearing of a badge, name tag, sticker or any other identification that singles you out as unvaccinated, is against the law. This constitutes harassment, intimidation, undue influence, coercion and defamation.

Retaliation is against the law. After a person, such as yourself, submits a request for a religious exemption, and then is subjected to retaliation, coercion, harassment, intimidation, undue influence, those are additional violations of the law.

The law is clear that your employer must default to accept your religious beliefs as sincerely held and may only make a reasonable inquiry to clarify your beliefs. You need to provide an abundance of information that is above and beyond what is required by law.

No president’s orders, OSHA regulations, CDC guidelines, health orders or school or employer policies supersede the Constitution.

If you need help completing this, please let me know.


Folk Festival – Labor Day Weekend

Many of you have spoken up and let KSUT know that by “requiring” proof of vaccination or a negative test, they are breaking the law.

KSUT has zero authority to medically discriminate or ask for your private health information. That information is between you and your doctor.

If you are planning on going, I encourage you to still go! You have a right to attend without discrimination.

The Commissioners and Town Council need to be aware of these violations and it is their duty to defend our Constitutional Freedoms!


September Monday Meetings

We will be meeting Monday, August 30, 2021 at 6pm.

We will NOT be meeting on:

*September 6, 2021 (Labor Day)

*September 13, 2021

*September 20, 2021 (We will be getting together on Sunday, September 19 instead)

I will continue to keep you informed via the newsletter and the website. Please make sure you keep a lookout! 

Thank you for your continued support!


San Juan Basin Health Board Meeting

This one is important to attend!

Date: August 26, 2021




As always Friends, you keep me going and continuing to research to bring you information!

With Gratitude,



**This group, Healthy & Wise, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**

Your financial gifts supports research, outreach, travel, document preparation and help us reach others to empower them!

Donate Here




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