I have vowed never to comply.

I hope you stand with me!


Evil will NOT succeed.

We have some work to do!


TOMORROW! I hope you all join me in attending the Pagosa Springs Town Council meeting @ 5pm. They meet upstairs in the courtroom.

The Town Council has turned a blind eye once again to the unlawful acts KSUT committed during Folk Fest.

KSUT unlawfully required private medical information as a condition of entry to their public event.

The Town of Pagosa Springs allowed this to happen in a publicly funded park citing it was a private event.

This is not accurate.

If it was, I could rent any of the parks and commit unlawful acts with zero repercussions. Right?! Of course not.

They must be held accountable and they need to revise their contracts with stronger verbiage to clearly state the Town of Pagosa Springs will not allow any unconstitutional acts on the property they maintain for US, the public.

They are setting a VERY dangerous precedent by allowing unconstitutional and civil rights violations to occur!



We need to start filling these seats with people who WILL uphold your rights and not succumb to criminalizing our freedoms.

MONDAY, September 27, 2021 is the DEADLINE to submit an application for the Town Council vacancy!

TAKE a look at this Boundary MAP and see if you or anyone who would be a good fit, lives in the district.  (I cannot submit an application as I work for the Town)

We need to start taking action and continue this positive change!


THANK YOU to those who attended the Archuleta County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, September 21, 2021.

It is once again clear that they are ok with allowing our God-given rights to be violated.

I personally found it a slap in the face that they were signing a Proclamation yesterday stating that September 17-23, 2021 would be Constitutional Week here in Archuleta County. Another “feel good” paper they signed with no intention of upholding their Constitutional Oaths or defending our rights.

They are allowing these unlawful acts to occur right underneath their noses. Either they are getting very bad legal advice or they are willfully turning a blind eye to the violations you and I are experiencing.

You can watch the meeting by clicking on the link below:

9/21/21 Archuleta County Commissioner Meeting


This is how your tax dollars were spent with the “unused covid funds”. Instead of helping actual First Responders and struggling businesses….Archuleta County Covid Relief Funds

Feel free to contact both the Town Council and the Commissioners with your grievances and demands! They are PUBLIC SERVANTS and their sole job is to protect your rights! If they do not, then it is our duty to remove them and replace them with ones who will.


Workplace Exemptions

I am so incredibly proud of those who are standing up against their employers who are unlawfully intimidating, coercing and threatening their employees to submit to medical tyranny as a condition of employment. I know it is not easy and can be scary but, remember, the LAW is on YOUR SIDE. Not theirs.

If you are fired for exercising your rights, you have remedy!

I encourage you not to quit.

If you quit, then you can no longer hold your employer liable for their unlawful actions.

The tests, masks and the shots are under an Emergency Use Authorization and you have the right to NOT consent. See 21 US Code 360bbb

If your employer tells you that if you refuse their unlawful medical interventions, they will fire you, that is an unlawful termination based on discrimination.

If they put you on unpaid leave if you don’t comply, that is considered retaliation and is yet another violation of EEOC Law + Title VII.

It is NOT an OSHA law.

There ARE exemptions.

They cannot prove you are a threat to their health and safety without a court order. Which means, you went to a Doctor, they deemed you contagious, went to court and a judge provided a court order of isolation/quarantine.

It is NOT federal law. There is ZERO federal laws for vaccines, masks or testing. Neither the CDC, FDA or the President can make a law. Only Congress can. Executive Orders are only for the executive branch of the government and even then, religious exemptions are required to be accommodated.

Health Orders are NOT laws.

There are no OSHA requirements for testing and the CDC states screening is only for those with symptoms!

I have remedies for you! We are here for support and help!


Upcoming Meetings: 

Pagosa Springs Town Council

DATE: Thursday, September 23, 2021
TIME: 5pm
LOCATION: Town Hall Upstairs
AGENDA:  They have a vacancy – we need to fill these with people who will LISTEN and UPHOLD their oaths. Let’s start change here!


San Juan Basin  Health

DATE: Thursday, September 30, 2021
TIME: 9am


Archuleta County Commissioner Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, October 5, 2021
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION: Commissioner building on Lewis


Archuleta School Board Meeting

DATE: October 12, 2021
TIME: 5pm
LOCATION: Middle School – Lewis St


Pagosa Springs Parks & Recreation Board Meeting

DATE: Thursday, October 14, 2021
TIME: 5:30pm
LOCATION: Community Center
AGENDA: Need to address the revision of the parks contracts



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You all are amazing!!! Stay strong! Stay brave! Stay Courageous!

With Gratitude,


You can help support this important work HERE

**This group, Healthy & Wise, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**



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