There is a very dangerous precedent being set that goes against and even dismisses the very foundation of our American Constitutional freedoms.

Being asked to show your ‘medical’ papers or submitting to an unlicensed medical procedure as a condition of entry or employment is a violation of your rights and is discrimination.

If we do not address this now and make it very clear that we will not allow the rights and freedoms of all individuals to be violated, we may find ourselves repeating history.

Remember, public servants are elected to represent us and defend our Rights. No FREE American should ever be denied free and equal access.

We must come together now to protect our rights and get back to what this Nation was founded on – our inalienable rights, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.



TOMORROW, September 25, 2021 Friends of The Healthy & Wise will be joining together and driving through Town.

Friends will meet in the Walmart parking lot at 10am! 

This is a peaceful drive through Town to show solidarity that we will no longer comply and we will no longer allow our rights to be violated.

Please DO NOT bring any political flags or signs! 

This IS NOT about a political party. 

Bring your American flags – this is about UNITY!

We want to show each other support, defend our rights and freedoms and enjoy each other’s company while doing so!



We have had exemption successes! 

If you have an employer or school who is unlawfully requesting you submit to their medical interventions as a condition of employment and you need help, please reach out!

Exemptions never went away.

They cannot mandate medicine.

The tests, masks and the shots are under an Emergency Use Authorization and you have the right to NOT consent. See 21 US Code 360bbb

The law is on your side!

Retaliation is against the law!

If they put you on unpaid leave if you don’t comply, that is considered retaliation and is yet another violation of EEOC Law + Title VII.

They cannot state you are a direct threat to their health & safety unless you have been seen by a licensed doctor, deemed contagious, gone to court and the judge provides a ruling that you are to quarantine or isolate.

Please do not quit! If you quit, then your employer or school is no longer liable for their actions. Push back. Stand up for your rights and your personal medical decisions.


Who Is Up For The Challenge?

MONDAY, September 27, 2021 is the DEADLINE to submit an application for the Town Council vacancy!

TAKE a look at this Boundary MAP and see if you or anyone who would be a good fit, lives in the district.

(I cannot submit an application as I work for the Town)

We need to start taking action and continue this positive change!


Upcoming meetings: 

The Healthy & Wise

DATE: Monday, September 27, 2021
TIME: 6pm
LOCATION: Restoration Church – upstairs
AGENDA: Updates will be given about what we have been working on

San Juan Basin  Health

DATE: Thursday, September 30, 2021
TIME: 9am

Archuleta County Commissioner Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, October 5, 2021
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION: Commissioner building on Lewis

Archuleta School Board Meeting

DATE: October 12, 2021
TIME: 5pm
LOCATION: Middle School – Lewis St

Pagosa Springs Parks & Recreation Board Meeting

DATE: Thursday, October 14, 2021
TIME: 5:30pm
LOCATION: Community Center
AGENDA: Need to address the revision of the parks contracts. A park does NOT become public once it is rented.


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With Gratitude,


You can help support this important work HERE

**This group, Healthy & Wise, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**



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