
Conditional Acceptance Letter + Template +THAW

You can use this form if your employer/school is coercing you to take any of the EUA devices as a condition of anything.

Edit and use!


Thank you to everyone who have been attending these important board meetings throughout Archuleta County. I am so excited to see everyone getting involved and VOCAL about their peaceful non-compliance! This is how we take back our Country! We will have updates from all meetings this week next Monday!


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2021 is the DEADLINE to submit your resume to make a difference! San Juan Basin Health is looking for a volunteer board member to serve a 5 year, staggered term. This is a great way to get involved where it matters most. For more information, please visit San Juan Basin Health



Pledge to Defend Our Constitution Against Covidstan

I love the wording of this pledge. Read through it. Reignite that fire inside of you to keep standing and fighting against the tyranny that we have seen the past year and a half. We can defend our Constitution together!


Stand with our Military!

This is a great website to get help if you are in the military and being threatened with the loss of your jobs and pension if you do not comply with the shot.



The Energetic Institute is hosting a conference October 14-16 – in person or you can attend online. 

What makes COVID CON unique among conferences is that in addition to getting information you can trust, you’ll also get to make an immediate difference. Your registration fees will fund unbiased science & education, as well as expert legal & legislative action coordinated to fight for you and your family’s future freedom.

What began as ‘2-weeks to flatten the curve’ has morphed into blatant fear mongering, unethical mandates for experimental products that are neither safe nor effective, and a state of emergency with no end in sight despite a 99.6% recovery rate in Americans under 65 as confirmed by the CDC.

We won’t be able to vaccinate our way out of this. Safe and effective treatments exist. An ounce of nutritional prevention is still worth a pound of cure. And this is no longer an emergency. It’s time to bring the best and the brightest doctors, scientists, attorneys, journalists, activists and elected officials together so we can say in one voice, “NEVER AGAIN!”

Visit Be the Solution for more information and to sign up!


Good Reads – 

Free Exercise Clause

The Free Exercise Clause protects citizens’ right to practice their religion as they please, so long as the practice does not run afoul of a “public morals” or a “compelling” governmental interest.

Landmark Court of Appeals Decision

Athletes filed for a religious exemption and the university burdened their free exercise rights.
The Court of Appeals sided with the athletes and upheld religious exemptions
“There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.”
The process can take years. We have seen nothing coming through OSHA that gives any credence to the federal “mandate”.
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) – EMTLA
A great resource for Early Covid Treatment – www.earlytreatmentreport.com 
Fight the Mandates – List of Lawyers
Check out the above list of lawyers who are actively fighting these unlawful coercion tactics.
Interested in learning how to get your Religious Exemptions accommodated? 
Let me know if you are interested in attending a workshop!  I am in the process of creating a workshop for you!
We have gotten numerous employers to accommodate our friends’ sincerely held beliefs and I can help get you started!


Upcoming Meetings:

Pagosa Springs Parks & Recreation Board Meeting

DATE: Thursday, October 14, 2021
TIME: 5:30pm
LOCATION: Community Center
AGENDA: Need to address the revision of the parks contracts. A park does NOT become public once it is rented.

Pagosa Springs Town Council

DATE: Thursday, October 21, 2021
TIME: 5pm
LOCATION: Town Hall – Upstairs

Archuleta County Commissioners

DATE: Tuesday, October 19, 2021
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION: Commissioner Building – Lewis Street


Jimmy’s Court Date

DATE: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
TIME: 9am
LOCATION: La Plata County Courthouse

Koli’s Court Date

DATE: Tuesday, October 19. 2021
TIME: 9am
LOCATION: Pagosa Springs Town Hall


Friends of The Healthy & Wise meet every Saturday morning at 10am to drive through Town – showing off their American Freedoms! If you would like to join them, they meet in the Walmart parking lot.

**Please do not bring any political flags or signs** This is about standing up for Freedom!


Freedom Learning! 

I am still encouraging all parents to check out Peggy Hall’s Freedom Learning and get your kids out of the government controlled education system. They deserve so much better!

For more information visit Freedom Learning


My in-box is flooded with requests for help, but even though I cannot always provide a personal response, please know that I read ALL of your messages and THANK YOU for sending me your links, updates, news and events!

Missing a newsletter? Check out www.thehealthyandwise.com and click on “newsletters”!


Prayers are welcome and much appreciated! You all are a blessing to me!

With Gratitude,



I am so thankful for all of you who have supported me with your donations which have helped me continue this research for you!

You can help support this important work HERE


**This group, Healthy & Wise LLC, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**


Find The Healthy & Wise on these platforms! 

Telegram    –   The Healthy & Wise

MeWe – The Healthy & Wise

Facebook – Healthy & Wise

Signal – The Healthy & Wise



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