I am thankful to all of you who have supported me and have encouraged me to keep bringing you resources and information.
Thankful to all of you who have become a team of DOERS!
Together we have made positive change and together we will continue to educate and spread the Truth!
Let’s continue to be thankful and to continue to create new communities based on truth and freedom!
Enjoy this Thanksgiving with your family and friends!
OSHA! Will they be the knight in shining armor?!
OSHA has halted its requirement and enforcement of these unlawful measures. Click here to read OSHA’s statement.
This means your Employer CANNOT push this unlawful rule.
Remember, you still can request your accommodations! You already are legally and federally exempt!
I have stated again and again that OSHA (which has the federal authority to regulate workplace safety — NOT “public health”) is fully aware that these unlawful measures forcing masks, tests and vaccines actually CREATE the hazardous workplace conditions that employers are required to PREVENT.
Coming together for this Community!
One of the reasons I founded The Healthy & Wise, in addition to providing resources and Constitutional education, was to bring this Community together in a positive way. To break up the mold and rethink the current structure. And boy, if that is not happening!
Last Friday I, like many others, attended the San Juan Basin Health Q&A session. The premise was for SJBH to finally answer our questions and yet, it turned out that the individuals in the room, were much more knowledgeable than SJBH. Dr. Amber seemed not to be up to date with the current treatments/stats/adverse reactions nor was she remotely interested in hearing anything the people had to say. It was disheartening to see. It was then that members of this Community decided it was time to take action to get things accomplished in this sector.
Last night I was blown away by the resources, ideas and the willingness to again come together to help those in need.
If you are interested in taking action and helping this Community provide the much needed resources and education for those who are ill, please contact me directly. This is a great opportunity to make a difference.
Mark your calendars for The Healthy & Wise Second Annual Christmas Party!
Where are my fellow Healthy Friends in Denver?! It is time to take action and stand up to this unlawful measure!
Masks or proof of vaccination will soon be required to enter indoor public spaces in Denver – Click Here
This is unacceptable, not to mention UNLAWFUL! Polis continues to overreach – we must stop it.
Upcoming Meetings:
Thank you to those who have volunteered to attend certain meetings and report back to me! This helps greatly as I cannot be at every meeting. If anyone would like to commit to going to a meeting or two, or if you have questions regarding these meetings, please let me know!
The Healthy & Wise
DATE: Monday, November 29, 2021
LOCATION: Restoration Church
TIME: 6pm
Archuleta County Commissioner
Is anyone interested in becoming the positive change that we need in this County by running for Commissioner? District 3 has an opening!
DATE: Tuesday, December 7
LOCATION: Commissioner Building on Lewis
TIME: 1:30pm
Agenda: Not yet listed.
Town of Pagosa Springs
DATE: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
TIME: 5pm
Agenda: Not yet listed.
Archuleta County Investigative Health Committee
DATE: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
LOCATION: Commissioner Building on Lewis
TIME: 6pm
Agenda: This will be the last meeting for the Health Committee. They will be presenting their findings regarding Archuleta breaking from San Juan Basin Health
Archuleta County School Board
DATE: Tuesday, December 14, 2021
LOCATION: Middle School
TIME: 6pm
If you are a parent, grandparent, concerned neighbor, friend, I would urge you to attend these meetings and speak out!
This amazing event will be held at a BRAND NEW 500 person hall across from the Encore Event Center! This will be a more upscale event than our normal with live music, appetizers, drinks, and a cash bar. VIP meet and greet option available! And cocktail attire (a chance to get dressed up)! Click for details
Recent Studies
How the “jab” Benefits are exaggerated
Massive 9-month study of urban Massachusetts healthcare workers found ZERO reinfections among those with natural immunity (recovered from prior Covid infection) both before and during Delta Wave. However, there were 73 breakthrough infections among partial/fully vaccinated healthcare workers. One of those who worked on the study did report a conflict of interest — he has received funding from therapeutic makers Moderna and Astra-Zeneca.
NEW! Freedom Loving Businesses section! This is where I will highlight a Freedom loving business to support! If you would like to be highlighted, please send me an email with a brief description of your business.
Here are two amazing businesses to support!
Embodiwork Studio for Integrative Massage is offering a Thanksgiving Special!
Contact Shalene at embodiworkmassage.com or 720.231.4288 to for more information and to book a healing massage!
Tierra Vida Farm
Tierra Vida Farm is a two acre farm committed to growing the most nutrient dense vegetables possible at the base of the San Juan Mountains. Soil health is essential for quality and production in the challenging mountain conditions of the Desert South West.
Soil is the home for plants, it is where they get their food, water, and protection. Roots are not simply straws sucking water and nutrients from inert dirt. Roots form a living connection to an entire underground community of micro organisms that rely on plants to deliver energy from the sun through the roots and into the soil, feeding those micro-organisms.
Check them out at Tierra Vida Farm
See you all next week!
With Gratitude,
The Healthy & Wise
You can help support this important work HERE
About Bethany Cole!
Bethany Cole founded The Healthy & Wise to inspire others to know their rights, keep their businesses open and to empower them to take action and fight back against tyranny. We promote freedom and truth.
You can follow Bethany on social media or come see her in person at weekly meetings and rallies where you can help defend freedom, liberty and truth.
Find The Healthy & Wise on these platforms!
Telegram – The Healthy & Wise
This is the only official Healthy & Wise Telegram Account
MeWe – The Healthy & Wise
Facebook – Healthy & Wise
Signal – The Healthy & Wise
This is the only official Healthy & Wise Signal Account
**The Healthy & Wise LLC, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**
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