Are you starting to see the silver lining yet?
I am thankful for the last 24 months because it has revealed things that needed to be changed.
It has encouraged the ‘sleepers’ to rise up and take action.
Action – A word I use often and am quite fond of!
We have seen across the World groups changing the way things “have always been”.
New communities are being developed.
New job opportunities.
New schools – I have always been a component of taking children out of the government run schools. They get a better education outside of that environment!
We are rethinking our healthcare system to stop the discrimination that has been afflicted upon the people who want to breathe fresh air!
Holding elected officials accountable for their unlawful actions against Free People.
The choice is very clear now, compliance or fight. I choose to fight and continue to expose evil. This battle will be fierce but truth will always prevail!
I founded the Healthy & Wise to educate, provide resources and to inspire you to create a new way of living. To have that confidence to leave that tyrannical employer. To start your own school. To find a new healthcare system. To take that leap! There is always another way…you just have to find it!
The most powerful tool to defeat evil is knowledge. Knowledge is power!
Here are a few reminders!
You are NOT a threat. Have them prove it!
Get Familiar with what the Sheriff’s duties are!
These are the laws that protect YOU!
Understand your Patient Rights!
They regulate established laws. This would include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act Title VI.
Title VI states “The Federal Transit Administration works to ENSURE nondiscriminatory transportation in support of our mission…and ensuring their compliance with Title VI requirements”.
Take a closer look at the FTA Code of Regulations, Part 37.5 – “However, an entity shall not refuse to provide service to an individual with disabilities solely because the individual’s disability results in appearance or involuntary behavior that may offend, annoy, or inconvenience employees of the entity or other persons.
You can file a complaint with the FTA HERE
Do NOT comply!
The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) March 28, 2020 Bulletin clearly stated “At the beginning of the COVID-19 public health emergency, the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) made clear that civil rights laws remain in effect during disasters or emergencies, including the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Your Rights are NEVER suspended.
The only reason the schools are “requiring” these unlawful rules is to continue to receive federal funding. It is all about the money and not about providing education.
Ways to get involved locally!
- Get on the board for the Pagosa Medical Center and make positive changes! Here is how you can get involved: Board Packet – Pagosa Medical Center
- Inspire others to ditch that muzzle and BREATHE FREE!
- Become a Freedom Learning Specialist – Education outside the box – Freedom Learning
- Learn about the Constitution of the United States – Essential Constitution
- Learn how you can Win in Court –How to Win in Court
- Inspire others on their rights and the laws that protect them! TheHealthy&Wise+Welcome Cards
DATE: Thursday, February 17, 2022
TIME: 5:30pm
LOCATION: IN PERSON – Emergency Operations Center (airport) – 777 CR 600 Pagosa Springs, CO
DATE: Monday, February 21, 2022
TIME: 6pm
LOCATION: Restoration Church
TIME: 6:00 PM
LOCATION: Middle School – Parents we need you!
DATE: Tuesday, March 1, 2022
TIME: 1:30pm Regular Meeting
LOCATION: IN PERSON – they have suppressed public comment via zoom
You can find video footage from all these meetings at
“When all other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect“ – Thomas Paine
With Gratitude,
Bethany Cole
The Healthy & Wise LLC
Thank you to all those who have donated! You are so appreciated and important to this cause!
Your generous donations help me to continue to research, provide documentation and consulting. You can help support this important work HERE
About Bethany Cole!
Bethany Cole founded The Healthy & Wise to inspire others to know their rights, keep their businesses open and to empower them to take action and fight back against tyranny. We promote freedom and truth.
You can follow Bethany on social media or come see her in person at weekly meetings and rallies where you can help defend freedom, liberty and truth.
Find The Healthy & Wise on these platforms!
The Healthy & Wise is now on BASTYON! Find us here – The Healthy And Wise
Telegram – The Healthy & Wise
This is the only official Healthy & Wise Telegram Account
MeWe – The Healthy & Wise
Facebook – Healthy & Wise
Signal – The Healthy & Wise
This is the only official Healthy & Wise Signal Account
**The Healthy & Wise LLC, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**
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