Happy Labor Day Friends!

I hope you all are enjoying this beautiful day with your families.

Remember, there will be no meeting tonight!

Boy! What a weekend it has been for me! Don’t miss my rant on Facebook!
Evil cannot stand up to the TRUTH and I was armed with the armor of truth, ready to defend it.
For those who don’t know, KSUT hosted the Folk Festival on Reservoir Hill, a publicly funded park here in Pagosa Springs. As a condition of entry to this public event, they were “requiring” everyone to disclose their personal health information. This is unlawful. I had tickets to go and I fully intended to attend without disclosing any of my information to these evil doers.
I entered KSUT’s Folk Fest with no issues however, I am going to continue with further action as it is taking a Cease & Desist to be served in order to attend a public festival?! I will stand for that and neither should you.
I will not stand for our elected officials sitting back, watching this unlawfulness go on. I was told that they will not do anything to protect our rights unless we take them to court.
We deserve better leadership. We deserve officials who will stand up against unlawfulness and never stop defending our god-given rights.
I hope you will JOIN ME TUESDAY, September 7th for TWO very important meetings.
1) Archuleta County Commissioners
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION: County Building on Lewis Street
AGENDA: They need to be held accountable for their blatant and willful failure to uphold our rights. They will also be voting on Covid pay for the employees. This money should be given to the businesses they helped close last year instead of lining their pockets.
2) Town of Pagosa Springs Council Meeting
TIME: 5pm
AGENDA: They must be held accountable for allowing unlawful activity to be held on publicly funded property. No, it does not turn into a private event the moment someone rents the area. That would mean I could rent the parks and sell drugs? Of course not.
NEW Cease & Desist template now on www.thehealthyandwise.com.
I will continue to keep you updated!
With Gratitude,
**The Healthy & Wise, is here for support, resources and most importantly to educate you so that YOU are EMPOWERED with knowledge. We do not give out legal advice yet we focus on understanding our rights and the laws that protect them. This is about connecting!**



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