Hello Friends!

I want to first THANK YOU to all those who attend the meetings, email, send their stories, speak up at meetings and to all of those who are fighting back! America NEEDS you ALL!

I am blessed by each and every one of you! If you have emailed me and have not yet received a response, I promise you I will! Thank you for staying patient!

A quick re-cap of the meeting yesterday (1/10/2021)

  • We had a few new participants this week so we brought them up to speed! WELCOME! Excited to have you all onboard! To the new participantsyou will be receiving a separate email from me shortly.
  • We focused on the IMPORTANCE of standing FIRM against these unlawful ‘orders’. If we wait to do something, it WILL BE too late. America will not survive if we do not start making a defiant stand!
  • Monument, CO is drafting a Resolution to become a SANCTUARY CITY! This means they would be free of the Government reach even more. They will not be eligible for any Covid relief funds but you DON’T need that when you are OPEN FOR BUSINESS!
  • Businesses and individuals stand to be held liable for following and promoting these Covid “regulations”. We must continue educating our fellow American’s on our Rights and Freedoms!
  • Affidavits. We need to start serving affidavits! You would serve these against anyone who discriminates against you – Schools, Governor, airlines, grocery stores, individuals, police officers and Sheriffs who do not uphold their oaths etc. If you need help with completing one of these, please let me know. Affidavits go a long way and make a huge difference!
  • We passed out a few pocket book Constitutions. Keep on you at all times! I also recommend reading the Sheriff’s Handbook so you have the knowledge of what they have the duty to uphold and protect.
  • Effects of Covid – increase in child trafficking. Check out what Lotus Rising has been doing to help combat the 98% increase in child trafficking since Covid became a thing. Not to mention suicides and domestic violence is at an all time high!
  • Demonstration for Freedom next Thursday, January 14, 2021. Look for details below with Events.


Thank you to all who have been donating! We have used these donations to pay for the room we meet in, printing copies, filing affidavits etc. I am working on a spreadsheet to share with the group so you can all see where your donations are being used. Thank you!

THANK YOU! To all of you who emailed Town Council asking them to remove/change the traffic signs on the outskirts of Town. They did REMOVE “wear a mask” but replaced it with “social distance”. We still have some work to do but great work!

Upcoming Events:

Freedom Rally – Durango

DATE: Thursday, January 14, 2021

TIME: Noon

LOCATION: 33 Cedar Ridge Way, Durango

PARKING: Park at Fort Lewis College – Soccer Field/Eastlawn

NOTES: PEACEFUL! Bring signs and your fellow Patriots. We will stay ON THE sidewalk. We will NOT impede traffic.

Town of Pagosa Council Meeting

DATE: Thursday, January 21, 2021




San Juan Basin Health Board Meeting – WE ALL need to get on this call

DATE: Thursday, February 25, 2021


LOCATION: ZOOM – 312-626-6799 and use Meeting #87149545437 with Password 797841


Next Gathering

DATE: Sunday, January 17, 2021

TIME: 1pm

LOCATION: Rez Hill Grill


Email Town Council and thank them for removing “wear a mask” but let’s remind them that posting “social distance” is still considered health information and by law, it is not permitted on changeable signs. Only TRAFFIC information is to be posted – NOT health behaviors. Wouldn’t it be great if they updated it to read “Welcome to Pagosa, Shop Local” – I mean, if they are dead set on posting anything other than traffic info!

**MOVING TO MeWe!!!** Slowly but surely The Healthy & Wise Facebook will be moving to MeWe. You can find it by searching for THE HEALTHY & WISE or by my name and I can get you connected! See you there! I am LOVING the FILE section on MeWe! MUCH easier to find a document that you need! Currently uploading documents there now! Take a peek!

With Gratitude,




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